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New Sisters Maria and Ellen 11: A Podcast Featuring Their Interviews and Experiences


We live the redeeming mission of Jesus in a variety of ways as sisters (vowed members) and as associates (men and women who make a non-vowed commitment to share in the life and ministry of the community).

new sisters maria and ellen 11

On Sunday, January 12, 2020 we celebrated the commissioning of three new IHM Associates, Lissette Ballesteros-Furstenau, Gladys Garber, and Robert Zito. The ceremony was held in the chapel of Most Holy Trinity Parish in Cresco, PA, the site of the former retreat center administered and staffed by IHM Sisters from 1990 to 2013 and a sisters' residence for more than 50 years. It was a joyous occasion and a certain energy filled the chapel during the ceremony. Afterward, sisters, associates, families, and friends enjoyed a luncheon reception prepared by the associates. This commissioning ceremony marks the culmination of two years of preparation facilitated by IHM Associates Daniela Rivera, Beverly Hartje, Arlene Calemmo, and Marguerite Morrow. It is the first time in IHM history that a Circle of Grace was led by associates who embody the IHM presence where the sisters no longer serve. During her opening remarks, Ellen Maroney, IHM President, suggested that our founders, Theresa Maxis Duchemin and Louis Florent Gillet, would be very pleased to learn that IHM Associates are a strong, viable presence of IHM in our world today.

Sister Betty Bullen, Sister Kieran Williams, and Jane O'Neill travelled to Williamston and New Bern, NC on the weekend of February 5 -7, 2016 for the commissioning of two associates in Williamston, Maggie Simpiney-Mensah and Rose Linsangan. Both Sisters Betty and Kieran served as parish administrators for many years and facilitated Circles of Grace in Williamston. The people of Holy Trinity Parish celebrated with the sisters and the newly commissioned associates.

But with the number of sisters declining in recent years, an offer from developer Edward Rose & Sons of Bloomfield Hills to purchase the 53.66-acre site and turn a portion of it into a senior living community proved to be too good to pass up, said Sr. Mary Ellen Howard, RSM.

But with fewer sisters than years prior, the community has had to readjust its resources to continue the mission, said Sr. Susan Sanders, RSM, an institute minister for the Religious Sisters of Mercy of the Americas.

If the senior complex is built, some of the retired sisters may maintain a presence there, but in the meantime, the Sisters of Mercy and its associates still plan on meeting at Mercy High School and maintaining its connection with the school and Farmington Hills community.

"Our teacher went far and above in providing an excellent level of education to her students in such challenging times. She absolutely exceeded all expectations by informing every parent about everything kids were doing in class, conducted weekly parents' meetings, responded to every single child and parent request. She was thoughtful, caring and motivating for our children. She is an absolute hero for us and our children."

"While I deployed with the Army in 2019, my wife served as the FRG Leader, keeping our home and children safe while alone. I returned in December 2019 only to be home in time for COVID in March 2020. During that time, my wife (a high school Spanish teacher) has continued to strive for excellence in educating her students in learning not just the Spanish language, but exposing them to Spanish culture, food, traditions etc. She was born and raised in Colombia and came to the US as a teenager. Even through COVID she made it a point to have our children volunteer at church and give back to the community. When we heard of friends or family who were stricken with covid, she would send them food so they didn't have to cook that day. She is the epitome of selfless service and is an amazing human being."

"Mr. Beattie masterfully guided our school district through the pandemic. He involved the staff and public and was excellent at communicating with all involved. His excellent leadership helped us avoid the many pitfalls encountered by other districts."

Undated. (Sarah Nicholas Randolph). "She does not seem to have had the bright, gay, and happy temper which her sister possessed. To deserve and retain their father's unbounded love was the highest aim in life for both the sisters, and the youngest was always troubled with the fear that not having her sister's talents she would not have an equal share in his affections. ... The singular beauty of Mrs. Eppes caused all eyes to be riveted on her when her lovely face and graceful form appeared in the doorway."[7]

1856 January 15. (Ellen Wayles Randolph Coolidge to Henry S. Randall). "My aunt, Mrs. Eppes, was singularly beautiful. She was high-principled, just, and generous. Her temper, naturally mild, became, I think, saddened by ill-health in the latter part of her life. In that respect she differed from my mother, whose disposition seemed to have the sunshine of heaven in it. ... [My mother] was intellectually somewhat superior to her sister, who was sensible of the difference, though she was of too noble a nature for her feelings ever to assume an ignoble character. There was between the sisters the strongest and warmest attachment, the most perfect confidence and affection."[17]

The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which SisterSeason 3, episode 1159th overall episode of FriendsChandler, Joey and Joey's sisters.Episode InformationAir dateJanuary 9, 1997Written byAlexa JungeDirected byTerry HughesEpisode GuidePreviousThe One Where Rachel QuitsNextThe One With All The Jealousy

Meanwhile, at Joey's birthday party, Chandler gets too drunk from vodka Jell-o shots and fools around with one of Joey's sisters, Mary Angela. Joey is pretty mad at Chandler for groping his sister until he's deceived into believing that Chandler may really fall for her. Things get out of hand, however, when he goes to talk to her and is, once again, in the presence of all of the sisters; he even mistakenly kisses Mary-Therese, believing that she's Mary Angela. When Joey and the others confront Chandler, he admits his fault and apologizes since he was drunk as well as the fact they all look similar. Joey forgives the mistake but tells Chandler to apologize to Mary Angela though he still can't recognize Mary Angela and apologize to her, Joey gives the go-ahead to his sister Cookie, who gives Chandler a black eye.

Please submit in writing to our office by 10 a.m. Thursday before the week of publication; be sure to state date of death. Obituaries of archdiocesan priests serving our archdiocese are listed elsewhere in The Criterion. Order priests and religious sisters and brothers are included here, unless they are natives of the archdiocese or have other connections to it; those are separate obituaries on this page.

He was predeceased by his parents, James and Mary Kekiwi; brothers, James, Walter, Henry, Lawrence, Stanley, Edward, Joseph M., Jerome and Glenn Kekiwi; sisters, Elizabeth Akina, Isabelle Kaha, Esther Kekahuna, Lucille Smith and Lani Baybado.

We all know the three Brontë sisters: Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë, without doubt the greatest writing family of all time. Many also know of their brother Branwell, a wasted talent who after a failed loved affair killed himself with a cocktail of alcohol and opium. Less well known is that Charlotte also had two elder sisters: Maria (named after her mother who died when Charlotte was five) and Elizabeth. Maria especially was said to be a precocious child, but these two oldest Brontë children died of tuberculosis within six weeks of each other in 1825. They had caught it at the hellish Cowan Bridge school they attended, and where Charlotte was also a scholar. The memories of the place would haunt her forever, until she revealed them in her depiction of Lowood within Jane Eyre.

This family believed Jesus was the Messiah and saw Him bring their brother back to life. Jesus spent some of his last days on earth in their comfortable home. I wanted to write a blog post on sisters, and these two women caught my eye.

Survived by his loving wife: Margaret Randel; brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law Michael (Lorrie) Lepinski, Jim (Pam) Lepinski, Judy (Brian) Loberg, Joe (Renee) Lepinski, Johnny (Janice) Lepinski and Mary (Brian) Benson; nieces, nephews, other relatives and many friends.

Each transcription we publish comes from a single-source, be it the cemetery office, government office, church office, archived document, a tombstone transcriber. Other websites already do an excellent job of crowd-sourcing a single cemetery together. But genealogists also need to see the original records from a single source. That's what we offer. 2ff7e9595c

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